Come join us as Canterbury celebrates their second season. Look for some restructuring, a water park, new merchants and entertainers. Don’t forget Two Ticket Tuesday kicks off August 7th on Facebook. Check back here for more news!!
Come join us as Canterbury celebrates their second season. Look for some restructuring, a water park, new merchants and entertainers. Don’t forget Two Ticket Tuesday kicks off August 7th on Facebook. Check back here for more news!!
For those without Facebook accounts It is proving very hard to obtain precise information for your renfaire season in 2018 and 2019. What info is appearing on your .com site does not indicate whether it applies to current or the past years. Where can a visitor, patron or FOF find up-to-date info about onsite camping availability, scheduled event dates by month and year., etc.????? I previously visited Four Winds Faire near Tyler, where I stayed with relatives. I currently visit Scarborough at Waxahacie, and MiddleFare at Hillsboro (commuting daily),and Sherwood Forest east of Austin, Texas Renaissance at Todd’s Mission near Pottsboro, and Avalon at Kilgore (camping primitive over the weekends in onsite campgrounds). At each of these I go through multiple costume changes per day as an uncompensated non-employee .. I am considering adding your renfaire to my Fall schedule but need precise information regarding camping availability and dates of events.
Our dates for Fair this year are:
August 31st-September 1st – Pirate weekend
September 7th-8th – Romance weekend
September 14th-15th – Celtic weekend
September 21st-22nd – Fantasy weekend
We would love to have you attend our fair!