Who We Are
Canterbury Renaissance Festival of Northeast Texas is situated in the beautiful hill country outside Mt. Pleasant Texas. Starting the first weekend of September and running four weekends, this unique venue on 72 acres is ideally located on the I-30 corridor between Dallas and Texarkana. The cast of characters you’ll encounter at Canterbury ranges from Henry VIII and his Queen Catherine Parr to knights in shining armor and alluring belly dancers. As well as fairies and the Scottish Clans with their Queen Margaret Tudor Stewart. Fun and games for all ages will occur. From the children’s games to the amazing Horse Archers, you’ll be sure to find something to entertain you. Join in on the merriment with dancing, singing, cool refreshing mead, mouth watering eateries, shopping, and so much more. Witness Canterbury town come alive which will whisk you away to times long forgotten.

Sondra Ahlers
Owner & General Manager
Sondra Ahlers has over thirty years experience in the renaissance faire industry. She has worked as a vendor, a member of performing companies, and has been Cast Director for over 10 years. As a successful entrepreneur, Sondra has owned and managed over 10 wide ranging successful businesses including hotels, real estate properties, performance companies, and orchards. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of the Pacific, Sondra was also a part of the District Attorney’s office in Sacramento, CA. for over 9 years.

Lise Gillespie
Assistant Manager
Lise Gillespie carries the burden of Entertainment, Casting, & Vendor Director. She has been involved in fairs as a merchant or entertainer for over twenty-two years. Lise has also managed retail establishments in the mundane world as well as participated in community theater groups as an actress, stage manager and director. She spent over twenty years as a member of “Command Performance”, a semi-pro singing group. Recently she wrote, performed and published her own play script.

Mike Ahlers
Co-Owner & Maintenance Director
Mike Ahlers has over 30 years of experience in the renaissance faire industry as well 40+ years as a maintenance and handy-man. Mike has arguably one of the most demanding responsibilities of the Canterbury; keeping the whole thing running. From leaking faucets to the design and development of all facilities, there is no project too big or small for Mike! Plus, he’s a pretty funny guy as well.
Cast of Entertainers

Stephen Beckman
King of England

Jillian Shuey
Queen of England

Lise Gillespie
King of Scottland